Lakshyaa Balakrishnan is a sixth grader at Lawson Middle school, Cupertino. She has been learning Bharatanatyam from Guru Vishal Ramani for the past 7 years. Her Bharatanatayam Arangetram was held on August 1st 2010 at McAfee Theater, Saratoga.
She has performed for many benefit programs, competitions and Shri Krupa productions. She has also competed as a soloist at Papanasam Sivan contest held on 2010. She has performed for Thiruvathira program at Srimahakalmandir, Palo Alto held on December 2010. She has represented Skri Krupa in junior team for OSAAT competition held on February 2011. Her team won third prize at OSAAT competition.
Lakshyaa is a fun loving girl and her favorite sports are swimming and tennis.